Project Description

Void Linux based distribution focused on give an user-friendly experience, using Calamares installer, providing both GlibC and Musl libraries, x86_64 and i686 support, and LXQt as default desktop environment (also, in the future we'll provide more desktops and/or a netinstall).

System Requirements

LxQt: 32 or 64 bits CPU 1,7Ghz with 1.5Gb of RAM, and 16 gb of disk space

Xfce: 32 or 64 bits CPU 1.9Ghz with 2Gb of RAM, and 16Gb of disk space

Plasma: 64 bits CPU Dual Core 2.2Ghz with 3Gb of RAM, and 20gb disk space

Cinnamon: 64 Bits CPU Dual Core 2.5Ghz with 4Gb of ram and 20gb disk space


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