Software Map Project List (42901 / 60552 ...)

Unix Group Name Group Name Description Download
opentldmultiple(sfnet) OpenTLD Multiple Modification of OpenTLD (Predator) to track thr... DOWNLOAD
ari4java(freshmeat) ari4java ari4java is an Asterisk Rest Interface (ARI) li... DOWNLOAD
tcplugins(sfnet) tcPlugins tcPlugins is a collection of plugins for TeamCi... DOWNLOAD
alchemyapi-java-sdk(freshmeat) AlchemyAPI Java SDK AlchemyAPI Java SDK is a Java SDK that interfac... DOWNLOAD
komport2(freshmeat) Komport2 Komport2 is a serial port communications and VT... DOWNLOAD
ddsum(freshmeat) ddsum Inspired by dd5sum, ddsum includes the followin... DOWNLOAD
quarry(freshmeat) Quarry Quarry is a multi-purpose GUI for different boa... DOWNLOAD
php-dba-cache(freshmeat) php-dba-cache The php-dba-cache uses the database (dbm-style)... DOWNLOAD
dos2unix(sfnet) dos2unix dos2unix includes utilities to convert text fil... DOWNLOAD
firefoxmetroui(sfnet) Builds program with Kapranov Windows Community, Firefox, 7-zip DOWNLOAD
sabredav(freshmeat) SabreDAV SabreDAV allows you to easily integrate your ex... DOWNLOAD
phpcompta(freshmeat) PhpCompta PhpCompta is an accounting application. It is W... DOWNLOAD
hierarchical-cluster-engine(freshmeat) Hierarchical Cluster Engine Hierarchical Cluster Engine is a a solution tha... DOWNLOAD
expirer(freshmeat) expirer expirer is a file expiry tool. It allows admin ... DOWNLOAD
killskypehome(sfnet) Kill Skype Home Kill Skype Home gets rid of the Skype Home wind... DOWNLOAD
pnotepad(sfnet) Programmer's Notepad Programmer's Notepad is a powerful text editor ... DOWNLOAD
sbuild-eclipse-plugin(freshmeat) SBuild Eclipse Plugin SBuild Eclipse Plugin integrates SBuild into th... DOWNLOAD
birdfont(freshmeat) BirdFont BirdFont is a font editor which can create TTF,... DOWNLOAD
lcms(sfnet) Little cms color engine Little cms is a color management library. Imple... DOWNLOAD
ejml(sfnet) Efficient Java Matrix Library Efficient Java Matrix Library (EJML) is a linea... DOWNLOAD
opentrafficshaper(freshmeat) OpenTrafficShaper OpenTrafficShaper is an traffic shaping package... DOWNLOAD
app-bcvi-autoinstall(freshmeat) App-BCVI-AutoInstall App-BCVI-AutoInstall is a Perl module that acts... DOWNLOAD
myaterial(freshmeat) Myaterial Myaterial is a Web application to keep track of... DOWNLOAD
www-analytics-multitouch(freshmeat) WWW-Analytics-MultiTouch WWW-Analytics-MultiTouch is a tool and a Perl l... DOWNLOAD
chaosmap(freshmeat) Chaosmap Chaosmap is an information gathering tool and D... DOWNLOAD
jeti(sfnet) Jeti Jeti is a Java Jabber client that supports most... DOWNLOAD
cornelios(freshmeat) CorneliOS CorneliOS is an easy-to-use and cross-browser &... DOWNLOAD
reiser4(sfnet) Reiser4 file system for Linux OS Kernel stuff and user-space utilities. DOWNLOAD
zorna(freshmeat) ZORNA ZORNA is a powerful, consistent, and flexible c... DOWNLOAD
omegaverse(freshmeat) Omegaverse The Omega Project is a universe simulator acces... DOWNLOAD
socks-relay(sfnet) Srelay - the SOCKS proxy and Relay A Free SOCKS proxy server for Linux, FreeBSD, S... DOWNLOAD
imageja(sfnet) imageja ImageJA is a fork of the popular ImageJ softwar... DOWNLOAD
imread(freshmeat) imread imread is a simple library which reads and save... DOWNLOAD
tcl-cm3(sfnet) Tcl Tools for the Cortex-M3 Tcl-CM3 is a project to generate open source to... DOWNLOAD
nav-doc(freshmeat) Nav Doc Nav Doc is a simple navigation documentation sc... DOWNLOAD
mysqlnet(sfnet) ADO.Net drivers for MySql and PostgreSql Fully managed ADO.Net drivers for MySql and Pos... DOWNLOAD
tbrain(sfnet) TinyBrain TinyBrain is both an online Lua programming pla... DOWNLOAD
archivesystem(sfnet) Archive System A disc cataloging software to organize your dis... DOWNLOAD
allagescoin(sfnet) AAC AAC, like BTC, is a decentralized P2P electroni... DOWNLOAD
bmfproject(sfnet) BMF The BMF is a Software Framework developed in Ja... DOWNLOAD
vrs-net(sfnet) Virii Program your own robot with any .NET compatible... DOWNLOAD
classehierarchy(freshmeat) Class::EHierarchy Class::EHierarchy is intended for use as a base... DOWNLOAD
gdsl(freshmeat) Generic Data Structures Library The Generic Data Structures Library (GDSL) is a... DOWNLOAD
flexcrfs(sfnet) FlexCRFs: Flex Conditional Random Fields FlexCRFs: A Flexible Conditional Random Fields ... DOWNLOAD
nagiostrayicon(sfnet) Nagios Tray Icon Provides a Windows tray icon that shows the sta... DOWNLOAD
isaacs(sfnet) I.S.A.A.C.S. I.S.A.A.C.S. Interactive Structure Analysis of ... DOWNLOAD
jnithreadcpuusage(freshmeat) jniThreadCPUUsage jniThreadCPUUsage is a Java library to get the ... DOWNLOAD
f-4d-cb(freshmeat) F-4D-CB FLOSS 4e DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Character Build... DOWNLOAD
imap2mbox(freshmeat) imap2mbox imap2mbox is a simple script that save remote I... DOWNLOAD
doophp(freshmeat) DooPHP DooPHP is a very fast PHP framework. It enables... DOWNLOAD
pigs-run(freshmeat) Pigs Run! Pigs Run! is a 3D point-and-click game where yo... DOWNLOAD
sshh(freshmeat) sshh sshh is a set of two daemons that allows you to... DOWNLOAD
ra-testing-manager(freshmeat) Ra Testing Manager Ra is a testing utility that provides numerous ... DOWNLOAD
cherokee(freshmeat) Cherokee Cherokee is a very fast, flexible and easy to c... DOWNLOAD
zeteticldap(freshmeat) Zetetic.Ldap Zetetic.Ldap is a .NET 2.0 library for working ... DOWNLOAD
jenner(freshmeat) Jenner Jenner is a Web page templating system with a t... DOWNLOAD
ogameautomatic(sfnet) Ogame Automatic Allow to auto play ogame in firrefox by imacro DOWNLOAD
crk(freshmeat) Crash Recovery Kit for Linux Crash Recovery Kit (CRK) for Linux is a tool wh... DOWNLOAD
libopkele(freshmeat) libopkele libopkele is a C++ implementation of an OpenID ... DOWNLOAD
youtube-to-imovie-converter(freshmeat) YouTube to iMovie Converter YouTube to iMovie Converter can convert Youtube... DOWNLOAD
jv4linfo(freshmeat) jv4linfo jv4linfo is a Java API that allows to query and... DOWNLOAD
cal10n(freshmeat) CAL10N Compiler Assisted Localization, abbreviated as ... DOWNLOAD
argparseui(freshmeat) argparseui argparseui is a library to automatically genera... DOWNLOAD
osol-mutlicaptcha(freshmeat) OSOL Mutlicaptcha OSOL Mutlicaptcha helps you create captcha for ... DOWNLOAD
rpi_gpio_ntp(freshmeat) rpi_gpio_ntp rpi_gpio_ntp enables you to connect a GPS modul... DOWNLOAD
junkiethesniffer(freshmeat) JunkieTheSniffer Junkie is a real-time packet sniffer and analyz... DOWNLOAD
xhtml_parte(freshmeat) xhtml_parte xhtml_parte is a class for parsing HTML using r... DOWNLOAD
urbi-2(freshmeat) Urbi Urbi is a robotics software platform. It includ... DOWNLOAD
phftp(freshmeat) PHFTP PHFTP (PHP HTTP FTP) is a simple and fast Web F... DOWNLOAD
cfourcc(freshmeat) cfourcc cfourcc is a tool for changing the FOURCC of an... DOWNLOAD
jrememberme(freshmeat) JRememberme JRememberme reminds you of special occasions. Y... DOWNLOAD
objectal-for-iphone(freshmeat) ObjectAL for iPhone ObjectAL for iPhone is an audio library that pr... DOWNLOAD
vault-2(freshmeat) Wolf Software Vault Class Vault is a PHP class for implementing security ... DOWNLOAD
roomba-term(sfnet) C# RoombaSCI Framework C# Framework that implements the iRobot Roomba ... DOWNLOAD
holygrail(freshmeat) HolyGrail HolyGrail is an implementation of the GTD's nex... DOWNLOAD
guardian-grab(freshmeat) Guardian Grab Guardian Grab eases the process of downloading ... DOWNLOAD
uncia(freshmeat) uncia Uncia is a collection of text file filters in a... DOWNLOAD
cimon-2(freshmeat) Cimon Cimon is a minimalistic load monitoring tool th... DOWNLOAD
spiderdb(freshmeat) SpiderDB SpiderDB is a lightweight database schema crawl... DOWNLOAD
db-sanity(freshmeat) DB Sanity DB Sanity performs checks on a database for ver... DOWNLOAD
whups(freshmeat) Whups Whups is a Horde ticket-tracking application. I... DOWNLOAD
contiki(freshmeat) The Contiki Operating System Contiki is an open source, highly portable, net... DOWNLOAD
espressomagic(sfnet) EspressoMagic 2.1 rom for 32a magic devices with espresso sen... DOWNLOAD
moswarbot(sfnet) moswarbot Bot for online browser game DOWNLOAD
mp3reorg(sfnet) MP3 File Reorganizer mp3reorg is a command line utility to reorganiz... DOWNLOAD
yaprm(sfnet) Yet Another Pov-Ray Modeller Y.A.P.R.M. is a free-as-in-freedom modeller to ... DOWNLOAD
openstreaming(sfnet) Open Streaming Server Open Streaming Server is an digital media deliv... DOWNLOAD
servos2(sfnet) servos2 RTOS for 8bit microcontrollers DOWNLOAD
aspnet-cms(sfnet) ASP.NET-CMS Project ASP.NET-CMS is aimed to be a good easy to use a... DOWNLOAD
freepath-it(sfnet) Freepath modules and libraries Generic libraries and modules contributed by Fr... DOWNLOAD
loadbars(freshmeat) Loadbars Loadbars is a small script that can be used to ... DOWNLOAD
pythonutil(sfnet) Python Util free python utils DOWNLOAD
bell2hell(sfnet) Bell2Hell Max/MSP Project, uses Arduino micro-controller ... DOWNLOAD
imageshack-up(sfnet) imageshack-up PHP script - upload to DOWNLOAD
spring-saml(sfnet) spring-saml Example integration of Spring Security and Open... DOWNLOAD
flickrcharades(sfnet) flickrcharades This project is a school project for cs 130 UCL... DOWNLOAD
lxpup(sfnet) LxPup - Puppy Linux + LXDE LxPup is a version of Puppy Linux using the LXD... DOWNLOAD
pinguy-os(sfnet) pinguy-os Pinguy OS an out-of-the-box working operating s... DOWNLOAD
mariamole(sfnet) MariaMole MariaMole is an advanced IDE for Arduino develo... DOWNLOAD
p2ema(sfnet) p2ema P2EMA (Perl Pipeline to Expedite Microsatellite... DOWNLOAD

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