Simple Project List Software Map

SSH (Secure SHell)
61 projects in result set
LastUpdate: 2010-12-29 10:46


App-BCVI-AutoInstall is a Perl module that acts as a plugin for bcvi. If you are connecting to a server for the first time, it will install the required files for you. It requires App::BCVI::InstallManager for tracking which servers you've already installed the bcvi files on.

(Machine Translation)
Operating System: OS Independent
Programming Language: Perl, Perl, Perl
User Interface: Console (Text Based)
LastUpdate: 2009-05-29 17:21


ChiMeRA is a configuration management tool designed around three basic concepts. The first is a framework for managing servers, allowing for command execution and file transfer over SSH. The second is a repository for managing files that enables change tracking, archiving, and management of various user definable configuration files across multiple servers through a standard revision control tool. The third concept is an aesthetic principle of simplicity, giving administrators straightforward interfaces to manage complicated environments.

(Machine Translation)
Database Environment: SQLite
Programming Language: Python
User Interface: Command-line
LastUpdate: 2010-04-30 11:41


OmniSSH is a program that is used to execute a command or upload files on many servers in a
cluster in a parallel, reliable, and well-documented fashion.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2010-08-28 11:59


eBrainPool provides a system that allows you to discover and run software on disparate devices around you, which are discovered using a mesh network. It allows software and computers to be used as shared resources.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2011-07-15 06:32


SSHConf is a graphical editor for SSH configuration files.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2011-07-09 11:32


SSHDB is a simple public key infrastructure tool for SSH. It allows you to manage many SSH public keys based on roles, such as admin, user, and developer.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2010-02-23 07:01


Kippo is a medium interaction SSH honeypot designed to log brute force attacks and, most importantly, the entire shell interaction performed by the attacker.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2010-02-27 18:58


remote-ssh-access is an application for creating handy SSH client shortcuts. It allows varying remote SSH keys, SSH protocol versions, remote target hosts, and remote commands for automated processes.

LastUpdate: 2014-02-09 18:01


con is a simple SSH connection manager. It should serve those who have large list of remote hosts accessed via SSH and are tired of creating new connection script every time the list grows.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2012-08-28 22:54


fexpect is an extension of fabric for handling prompts with expect.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2009-04-14 00:25


With OGSS (Open Gmail SMS Shell), you can control your computer with SMS text messages. All you need is a cell phone and a Gmail account. OGSS uses Python and libgmail to fetch messages from your Gmail account and run the included commands on your computer.

(Machine Translation)


epwshell は bash や tcsh や zsh 等のシェルの GUI フロントエンドです。 マウスやテンキーだけでシェルを操作できる様にします。 カスタマイズ可能な2画面ファイラ風のインターフェイスを持ちます。

Development Status: 2 - Pre-Alpha
Target Users: End Users/Desktop
Natural Language: English, Japanese
Programming Language: Perl
User Interface: Gnome, Console/Terminal
Register Date: 2009-09-07 06:40
LastUpdate: 2011-10-28 09:41

Anyterm jQuery Interface

Anyterm は、web 用の unix 端子です。それの元のウェブサイトのこのプロジェクトへの jquery のプレーンな javascript からそのユーザー インターフェイスを変更するのにはです。

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2012-04-03 03:03

PuTTY Manager

タブ付きのパテ インターフェイス !特徴: タブ付きインターフェイスとドッキング可能なウィンドウ、全画面表示モードでは、既存の使用バイナリで、パテまたは公式ページから直接ダウンロードすることができます、let's エクスポート/インポートするパテへ 1 つのファイル、任意の使用のための無料ダウンロード !******************************************************************
!情報 !代わりに Windows のコンソールにパテ マネージャー morfing !参照してください:* * *

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2022-01-21 09:08

