Forums: MIDITrail Message board (Thread #36743)

More interesting background! (2015-05-07 11:18 by GlitchedUp #76078)

Hi, I really like your program MIDItrail for Windows, and would like to make videos with it someday. One thing I would like added to the program is animated backgrounds. Like, you could have the stars in the BG, but have them move around with bright neon streaks or something similar. Additionally, why not let us choose our own background? A custom image (or even better, a custom video!) as the background would be really great. This software has a lot of potential.

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Re: More interesting background! (2019-05-12 15:01 by yknk #82975)

Sorry for the late reply.
You can customize background image in MIDITrail Ver.1.2.2 or later.
Select "Graphic..." from "Option" menu, the graphic configuration dialog will appear.
And configure [Background image file path].
The extension of the image file must be ".jpg" or ".png".
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