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Project Description:

(Last Update 2009-06-12 15:46)

AlchemySOAP is a fork of the EasySoap++ SOAP 1.1
library, adding enhanced protocol support (SOAP
1.2), a large number of automated unit tests and
interoperability tests, multithreaded SOAP request
handling, optional SSL/DOM, serialization
improvements to work with WS-* protocols, and more
features. AlchemySOAP can interoperate with a
large number of third party SOAP stacks. It
includes implementations of all SOAP 1.2
interoperability tests defined in "W3C
Recommendation: SOAP Version 1.2 Specification,
Assertions and Test Collection". This library is
designed with speed and portability in mind. It
has been tested on Win32 and Linux, but should
work on most POSIX-compliant operating systems.

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